Well - it looks like a whole month went by without any windsurfing. We headed out to Vancouver Island for a few weeks of Windsurfing at Nitinat Lake. Unfortunately the weather hasn't cooperated. We stayed an extra day in Vancover with Scott, Carolyne and family, and spent an afternoon with Aunt Norah - went to Steveston Landing.
We got to the Island Wednesday and visited with our friend Glen - wonderful BBQ. Lots of stories.
Thursday we headed to Hornby Island - to visit a few days at Carolyne's parents cabin. It is just off the Ferry in a beautiful setting. There was enough wind Thrusday to get out on my Formula rig. Very overpowered at first in the channel - but very nice once it backed off.
Had lots of fun racing the ferry back and forth. Not much of a contest really. If I caught a gust when it was 1/2 way across - I would beat it to the other side.
Friday it drizzled all day. We toured the Island and went for a 5k hike around a park on the North end of the Island.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
The Wall was Gusty
Sunday, June 17, 2007
The Trip Home.
We all left Hood River around 11:00 and arrived at the wall around 12:30.
It was gusty - but blowing hard.

After watching some of the sailors, we decided it wasn't as windy as it looked - so we rigged big...
Big Mistake......
Andreas and I were on 4.8's. The current was very strong, the gusts were tearing the tops off the waves, and there were big lulls along the shore - and sometimes in the middle.
Being overpowered made it hard for me to go downwind. I had a lot of trouble getting back to the beach - and was pretty well exhausted when I finally did. I almost made it a few times, only to run out of wind near the shore - sink into the water, and be dragged away downwind by the current.
Andreas was having a great time - huge jumps.

When I did finally make it back, the others were de-rigging.

Moritz rigged, but then wisely choose to do some Mountain Biking instead.
I don't think any of us could have handled a go-board in those conditions...

The decision was made to drive to Roosevelt and try it there.

It was after 3:00 by the time we got to Roosevelt.
By that time - I had "Go-Home-itis".
Mike and Cam looked like they were going to rig - looked like 4.2
I hope the guy's had a good sail.
I left for home. Got to the boarder around 9:30 (BC) time.
I stayed in Cranbrook at the WalMart overnight.
I left about 6:30am and got home by 2:00pm.
Great Trip. Good to be home!!!
It was gusty - but blowing hard.
After watching some of the sailors, we decided it wasn't as windy as it looked - so we rigged big...
Big Mistake......
Andreas and I were on 4.8's. The current was very strong, the gusts were tearing the tops off the waves, and there were big lulls along the shore - and sometimes in the middle.
Being overpowered made it hard for me to go downwind. I had a lot of trouble getting back to the beach - and was pretty well exhausted when I finally did. I almost made it a few times, only to run out of wind near the shore - sink into the water, and be dragged away downwind by the current.
Andreas was having a great time - huge jumps.
When I did finally make it back, the others were de-rigging.
Moritz rigged, but then wisely choose to do some Mountain Biking instead.
I don't think any of us could have handled a go-board in those conditions...
The decision was made to drive to Roosevelt and try it there.
It was after 3:00 by the time we got to Roosevelt.
By that time - I had "Go-Home-itis".
Mike and Cam looked like they were going to rig - looked like 4.2
I hope the guy's had a good sail.
I left for home. Got to the boarder around 9:30 (BC) time.
I stayed in Cranbrook at the WalMart overnight.
I left about 6:30am and got home by 2:00pm.
Great Trip. Good to be home!!!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Moritz's Tribute.....
A tribute to the FOM
Tis’ a tribute to the Fat Old Men
Made with the strokes of my pen
For teaching me to sail
And showing me the Holy grail
Of the Gorges nasty boiling swell
like a cauldron in the depths of hell
though their best years have passed them by
these FOM still can fly
like round Jimmy screaming on his 4.8 hucker
or Kent ripping past like an overpowered mother@#$!er
Blainer using me as a Gybe mark
And Dirty Harry sailing circles round my ark
Brad may have lost his gear
But that ol’ dentite knows no fear
He lived to rip another day
And leapt straight back into the fray
That flash offshore that would be Ross
We all miss Brian, what a loss
And if that is not enough
Here comes Andreas to strut his stuff
Be it sail or kite, he swings both ways
He takes to the sky blocking out the Suns rays
While lanky Mike keeps it fast and straight
He’d race that board straight through Hells very gate
But lets not forget Big Teddy
When others quit, he’s just getting ready
To shred the waters with his big yellow plank
He powers through the waves like a tank
And when the cauldrons boil sends others retreating to shore
Big Ol’ Teddy just laughs and begs for more
When he takes flight others cower
Frightened by the sight of such awesome power
So there you have it, my tribute to the FOM
I can’t wait to do it all again
Tis’ a tribute to the Fat Old Men
Made with the strokes of my pen
For teaching me to sail
And showing me the Holy grail
Of the Gorges nasty boiling swell
like a cauldron in the depths of hell
though their best years have passed them by
these FOM still can fly
like round Jimmy screaming on his 4.8 hucker
or Kent ripping past like an overpowered mother@#$!er
Blainer using me as a Gybe mark
And Dirty Harry sailing circles round my ark
Brad may have lost his gear
But that ol’ dentite knows no fear
He lived to rip another day
And leapt straight back into the fray
That flash offshore that would be Ross
We all miss Brian, what a loss
And if that is not enough
Here comes Andreas to strut his stuff
Be it sail or kite, he swings both ways
He takes to the sky blocking out the Suns rays
While lanky Mike keeps it fast and straight
He’d race that board straight through Hells very gate
But lets not forget Big Teddy
When others quit, he’s just getting ready
To shred the waters with his big yellow plank
He powers through the waves like a tank
And when the cauldrons boil sends others retreating to shore
Big Ol’ Teddy just laughs and begs for more
When he takes flight others cower
Frightened by the sight of such awesome power
So there you have it, my tribute to the FOM
I can’t wait to do it all again
Friday, June 15, 2007
Doug's - Day 8

Kent went away, he could not stay.
He didn’t want to sail today.
He is a woos, compared to all of us…
He drove all day, and did not stay.
We toured the dam,
Built by uncle Sam.
We watched the salmon run,
and had lots of fun.
We saw old Herman,
The 10 foot sturgeon.
Then headed to Doug's,
a bunch of big lug's.
Big sails were the call;
Albertans All.
We sailed until dark.
Then left the park.
Got home at eight.
Chinese food we ate.
Kent missed the boat.
He is a big dolt.

We started the day with the usual board meeting.
I think our record was 9 laptops.
The forecast didn't look great - so Kent left for home after breakfast.
Mike, and Ross went Kiting and did a bike ride.
Blain, Harold, Andreas, Jim and I went for a tour of the Bonneville Lock and Dam.
There are two navigation locks (one built in 1933 and the other in 1993). These provide free passage through the dam for barges, commercial and pleasure craft.

The generating station at the dam generates 1,000 Megawatts. One Powerhouse, has 8 turbines and the other has 10.

The turbines are each about 7m in Diameter, and rotate at about 70RPM.

The rotation speed is fixed, and the blade angle is changed to change the amount of energy going to the stator and rotors.

This is one of the old turbines. The tip has travelled about 60 million miles.
The new turbines being installed are more efficient, and "close the gap" between the blade and the shaft. Apparently the young fish get caught in this gap when they go through the turbines.
Most of the fish are diverted around the turbines. Of those that do go through the turbine - 85% survive. The ones that don't are either caught in this gap or caught in a compression bubble caused by cavitation. The new blades should reduce this loss further.
The risk to the fish from passing through the dam is much less than the natural risks, such as the sea lions that swim upstream from the ocean to feast on the fish. In 2006 they ate 3% of the entire salmon run - and that is only in the area of the Dam.

Each powerhouse is about 300m long.

Fish ladders simulate natural rapids. And allow the elevation drop between upstream and downstream of the dam.
Here is Blain Checking out one of the fish ladders. There is about a 2 foot elevation drop between each of the "ladders". The water is flowing very fast, and the fish have to sort of "Jump" up between the ladders. The Guide said that people comment it must be very difficult for the fish - but actually it is easier than going up the natural rapids.
All the fish are channelled into a narrow channel where they are counted.
The Shad were at the peak of their migration. Thousands of fish were swimming past the window. There was a lady there counting the fish - what a great job.......???
The Lamprey are some of the ugliest, most disturbing "fish" I have ever seen. They are like a snake (about 1inch in diameter and 3 feet long). They also run up the river from the ocean. A bunch were stuck to the window. They have a flat front with three teeth. Very Ugly/Disturbing.
There is also a fish Hatchery which we toured.

They spaw millions of fish each year.
They have a viewing pool. We saw "Herman" who is a 10 foot long, 450lb, 65 year old Sturgeon. That was cool!

There were a couple of very big ones. They just drifted around slowly. Very relaxed old guy's. To bad they looks so much like sharks!!...

This is a big Rainbow Trout - Much nicer looking than the Sturgeon...
The Fish Hatchery was very old, but well kept. Fresh paint on all the buildings, and lots of flower gardens and walking areas. Very beautiful area.
Here are some flower photo's for the wives.....

When we got back to Hood River - the word was that it was blowing at Doug's.
We raced out there to find the locals sailing on 4.2-5.0.
We rigged quickly and headed out - only to slog all the way out and back.
Brad actually got planing a couple of times - but also had the longest swim.
I had to drift most of the way back - holding up the sale to counter the current - then swimming the last couple of hundred yards.
It looked like a but as the wind totally died off.
Just as we were ready to leave - it started picking up again. We watched the water for a while, but then re-rigged to bigger stuff and went out again.
We had a great sail for about an hour. I was on my 6.6 Hucker and Free xxx board.
Jim was 5.6 with this big Nash board, and Blain on 5.2 and Harold on 4.7.
Brad - still hurting from his biking injuries and tired from the long swim took photos.
Here are some of his pix...

Cam Ripping a Jibe.

Ted - Duck Jibe!

Blain - Duck Jibe!

Another Duck by Ted..

Harold - wave riding..

Jim coming in - Harold going out!!

Blain - Carving Hard - Pressing forward into his rig - CLASSIC!!!

Jim - Ripping on his Nash and 5.6 Hucker!

Harold passing Jim --- NOT!

Another Beauty Jibe by Blain.
The Hatchery - Day 7
Cam is Bad...
Cam is sad, because Cam was bad.
Ty was in the water, trying a water starter
Cam went flying by; Ty not in his eye.
Cam ran over Ty's mast, sounded like a blast
The mast went snap, and cam went for a splat.
Tye was mad, and Cam was scared.
No one was hurt, so it could have been worse
Cam said he was sorry, and Ty said no worries
Cam paid for the rig, and they both danced a jig.
We all had some beer, now everyone was in good cheer.
Cam was bad, but no longer sad....
It was a lower wind day, but very steady.
Half the guy's went Kiting, and the rest of us went to the Hatchery.

It was probably my best day. I was on my 5.6 Hucker and Free xxx board. Lots of big wave rides.

Blain and I did a big downwinder to the bottom of Well's Island. We blasted by Mike, Ross, Andreas, and Misha, who were kiting. Then made if back upwind in about 5 reaches.
Blain works hard on Holidays.
Here is a photo of him, in his office, and work suit - checking in to make sure the operation is running smoothly.
Cam had a bad incident late in the day when he sailed over a fellows rig. Cam didn't see it coming because of the swell. His fin hit the fellow's mast. I guess G10 is harder than Carbon Fiber. With the mast tensioned in the rig is snapped very cleanly - looked like it have been cut.
The fellow (Ty) was quite upset at first, but by the time he and Cam drifted to shore they were great friends. (Cams offer to pay for the damage probably helped.)

Moritz struggled a bit in the big swells that were just off shore at the windline, but he did quite a few waterstarts. He made every on that I saw him try. It won't be long until he is in the footstraps.

Harold and Cam taking a break.
The wind dropped off a bit after a few hours sailing. Kent and I stood and watched the water for about an hour (maybe two) trying to decide whether or not to go back out. Funny how after seven days of sailing, you start to get picky.... at home we would have been rushing for the water....
Misha went home Thursday after sailing. Word is he couldn't handle the pace. We hope he will be back in the fall!
Friday looks like it may be a rest day. Rain in the morning - possibility of some wind in the afternoon in the corridor.
Here is a special contribution by Harold.
Ty’s alive and all is well
But cam is going straight to hell,
He tried to sever ty’s grey head
But sliced his mast in two in stead
And as they drifted down the stream
Cam said “this is my bestest dream!”
“I slice and Dice and ply my trade, and never have to be agraid,
Of nasty lawyers who might cry – “put your bloody fin away!”
So if you see Cam sailing by take a sec and then you cry
For he has sliced Ty’s mast in half
And now you know why he can laugh.
Thanks Harold.

Cam is sad, because Cam was bad.
Ty was in the water, trying a water starter
Cam went flying by; Ty not in his eye.
Cam ran over Ty's mast, sounded like a blast
The mast went snap, and cam went for a splat.
Tye was mad, and Cam was scared.
No one was hurt, so it could have been worse
Cam said he was sorry, and Ty said no worries
Cam paid for the rig, and they both danced a jig.
We all had some beer, now everyone was in good cheer.
Cam was bad, but no longer sad....
It was a lower wind day, but very steady.
Half the guy's went Kiting, and the rest of us went to the Hatchery.

It was probably my best day. I was on my 5.6 Hucker and Free xxx board. Lots of big wave rides.

Blain and I did a big downwinder to the bottom of Well's Island. We blasted by Mike, Ross, Andreas, and Misha, who were kiting. Then made if back upwind in about 5 reaches.
Blain works hard on Holidays.
Here is a photo of him, in his office, and work suit - checking in to make sure the operation is running smoothly.
Cam had a bad incident late in the day when he sailed over a fellows rig. Cam didn't see it coming because of the swell. His fin hit the fellow's mast. I guess G10 is harder than Carbon Fiber. With the mast tensioned in the rig is snapped very cleanly - looked like it have been cut.
The fellow (Ty) was quite upset at first, but by the time he and Cam drifted to shore they were great friends. (Cams offer to pay for the damage probably helped.)

Moritz struggled a bit in the big swells that were just off shore at the windline, but he did quite a few waterstarts. He made every on that I saw him try. It won't be long until he is in the footstraps.

Harold and Cam taking a break.
The wind dropped off a bit after a few hours sailing. Kent and I stood and watched the water for about an hour (maybe two) trying to decide whether or not to go back out. Funny how after seven days of sailing, you start to get picky.... at home we would have been rushing for the water....
Misha went home Thursday after sailing. Word is he couldn't handle the pace. We hope he will be back in the fall!
Friday looks like it may be a rest day. Rain in the morning - possibility of some wind in the afternoon in the corridor.
Here is a special contribution by Harold.
Ty’s alive and all is well
But cam is going straight to hell,
He tried to sever ty’s grey head
But sliced his mast in two in stead
And as they drifted down the stream
Cam said “this is my bestest dream!”
“I slice and Dice and ply my trade, and never have to be agraid,
Of nasty lawyers who might cry – “put your bloody fin away!”
So if you see Cam sailing by take a sec and then you cry
For he has sliced Ty’s mast in half
And now you know why he can laugh.
Thanks Harold.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Roosevelt - Day 6

Roosevelt was the call,
Thought we'd all have a ball.
Mike's forcast sounded really good,
but on the water they all stood.
Ted didn't want to slog,
So he worked on his blog.
The wind was four two,
When, and if, it blew.
They all sat under a tree,
waiting till the clock turned three,
Or until the wind filled in,
so they could all sail with a grin!!
The morning started off with coffee at the Dog River Coffee Shop as usual.
Here is Moritz with the perfect Latte....

The forecast was great!! Roosevelt was the call. But the clouds didn't clear....
We all rigged small. The wind was up - then calm - then up - then calm.
Kent probably had the best day. He is a very efficient sailor -- had some great wave rides and seems impervious to the lull's.....

The last hour was the best - from 6:00 to 7:00.
Everyone was out - big wave rides.
Moritz is my hero. He was out all day practicing his water starts. He hooked in a few times, and was planning a few times.

Brad did the move of the day. After an afternoon snooze, he woke to find that the wind had picked up. He grabbed his gear and headed out....
The wind was slightly off shore all day, which means there is a big wind shadow in front of the beach.
Brad slogged out past the wind shadow and finally got to the wind line, only to realize that he had forgotten his harness on the beach.....
He slogged all the way back to the beach to get his harness - and then all the way from the beach back out to the windline....
I sailed my 4.8 Hucker and Free xxx board. Well powered in the gust - slogging or worse in the lulls. Overall a pretty good day!!

It was dark by the time we got back to the house - then pizza at the Double Mountain Brewery and tap house, then some windsurf and biking videos......
Day 5 - Multi Sport Day

Brad is OK,
He had a good Day.
Road his bike to Rowena,
then stoped for a pee ahhhh.
Biker Dave went for a ride,
Found Brad's rig on the road side.
Brad's rig he did deliver,
a site that made us all shiver
The sail was a wreck
but what the heck
He bought a new sail
No more did he wail
Big party at three rivers,
to celebrate Brads new Quivers.
Brad Had a good Day
Brad is OK.
Had a very lazy start to the day. Nothing really happened until after 1:00.
Everyone sort of went their separate ways. It was a real solo day for me.
Multi sport for almost everyone.

Misha, Kent, Cam and Mortiz went to post Canyon to mountain bike, and Brad, Mike, Blain, Andreas and Harold went on a Road Bike trip to Rowena.

I rented a bike and did my own trip to Moiser (about half way to Rowena). Probably my first time on a bike trip in 30 years or so. Seemed like it was up hill both ways.

The route is on an Historic Highway that has been turned into a recreation bike/walking trail. It winds up the mountain and then back down to Moiser. Beautiful view from the top.

I stoped at the Route 30 "Classic Roadside Refreshments", in Moiser.

Believe it or not it is a combination Porche Dealer and Ice Cream Shop.
This guy "Stephen" restors and sells vintage Porche classics.

He insisted I take his card in case I come across any old Porshes which
he might be able to purchase. Apparently he offers a finding fee.
The ice cream was very good, and gave me the energy for the climbe home.
When I got back to the House, Cam came running in to say that a guy named Dave had called. Dave had apparently found Brads rig off to the side of the highway. Some fisherman must have dragged it off the rocks and up the the highway where it would be spotted.
The sail and board were pretty much wrecked, but the mast and boom seem OK.
Andreas and Brad had spent the day re-outfitting Brad - so he will have equipment to sail the rest of the week.
Later in the day, Kent, Ross, Misha, and Mike went Kiting at Kite Beach.
I stopped by the event site to watch the kiting and ended up running into Dale Cook, who was sailing his formula rig.
I went up to the Hatchery to see if there was any wind, and ended up sailing my 6.6 on the Free xxx board.

There was only one other guy on the water. I sailed for just under an hour - powered most of the time. There was some nice swell near shore to ride. It was weird being the only one out. It was almost dark by the time I derigged and got back to the house.

This parking lot is usually jammed. I was the only one there...
The gang had a big party at Three Rivers to celebrate the return of Brads rig. Dave was invited along. He turns out to be a retired Bike shop owner, so had much in common with Moritz, Ross, and the other bike nuts. Good Guy...
After the "Party", and much wine... and in the dark... Misha, Andreas, and Ross decided it was time to go long boarding. They walked up to walmart (to much to drink to drive)... and then boarded all the way down. 30mph plus - slaloming around vehicles ect. Andreas - surf style with a beer in one hand to keep his balance.......
All in all it was a pretty good - multi sport day. Looks like big wind Wednesday.
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