Sunday, May 18, 2008

Day Three - Wow!

I think I have had more windsurfing at home this month (May) than I had at home all last year.

Today I sailed on my 6.6 Hucker. It started off very solid with a few (out of control) gusts. Very good for almost an hour. Good ramps and a few decent jumps.

I asked Louise if she wanted to sail, but she said she would just watch today. She found a sheltered spot by the beach and took some photos...

I blew my back footstrap out, so had to go in and re-insert the screw. When I went back out, the wind had picked up a knotch. I started getting the hang of jibing in "way-overpowered" conditions. Just commit hard (anti-intuitive) and the sail gets light....

Great sail. Max speed 47.8km/hr - not bad in the big chop. I sailed about 20km.
Then it stepped up again and became very gusty. I was tired, and Lou wanted to go to town, so I put everything away. My wind meter was registering gusts of 60kph and lulls of 7kph.
All in all - a great day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Two days in a row!!

Two days in a row! Unfortunately I couldn't get away from work until 5:00. I rigged my 6.6 and "free" board. The first few runs were great (40km+). Slogged in the lulls, particularly on the near side, but had some good runs and good starboard ramps.

The wind shut off fairly quickly around 6:30. I slogged back and had to swim for a bit - then a short "walk of shame" - but fortunately no one was there to see.....

The temperature was warm enough that I rigged and de-rigged without a shirt on. Pretty amazing for the middle of may!! 26c today. Forcast is for 31c tomorrow....

Calm water when I de-rigged.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

May 15, 2008 - First day of the year!!!

Well - the Ice came off the lake last Wednesday. I probably could have sailed that day, but I was down (and even at home) with a very sore throat and flu.

Today, Thursday May 15, 2008, was an exceptional day. The forecast was 40 gusting 60.

I went out on my 5.6 HUCKER. I sailed from 3:00 to 5:00pm. About 1/2 the time the wind was about right, 1/4 the time I was slogging, and 1/4 the time I was way way way over powered....
Some good port ramps, and a few swells that were almost on starboard playing up and down the swell most of the way across.

All in all - a great day - 2 hours sailing, no breakdowns, and lots of sore muscles...

Now I should go and take my medicine......